Author: Michael Haber
Quit Smoking Blog

Best Way to Stop Smoking. Most Effective Method to Quit.

Best Way to Stop Smoking with Professional Hypnotherapy Smoking is a difficult habit to break, and probably why you are now searching for the best way to stop smoking. Every year many thousands of Australians try ...
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Quit Smoking Blog

Help for Smokers Giving Up Smoking Stop Today The Easy Way

Giving Up Smoking the Easy and Effective Way You’ve struggled with giving up smoking for as long as you can remember. It’s a habit you want to give up, but every time you try giving up ...
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Quit Smoking Blog

Stop Smoking You Can Quit Quitting & Give Up Smoking Today

Stop Smoking Fast and Start Repairing The biggest challenge faced by smokers is to stop smoking. That first cigarette is by far the most difficult. Since smoking is not only about addiction, it is also about ...
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Lungs Work

In mechanical terms, our lungs can be described as the site of gas exchange: Oxygen–the fuel all the cells and organs of our body need to function–is extracted there from the air we inhale and infused ...
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Cigarette Facts
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Cigarette Facts

“Smoking kills almost six times as many people as road and other accidents, suicide, murder, manslaughter, poisoning, overdoses and HIV all put together!” Smoking is a greater cause of death and disability than any other single ...
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Benefits of Quitting

There are five successive stages to quitting smoking: Pre-contemplation Not thinking about quitting Contemplation Thinking about quitting but not yet ready Preparation Getting ready to quit Action Quitting Maintenance Remaining a non smoker When smokers quit ...
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Quit Smoking Blog

How Hypnosis Can Kill Your Smoking Habit Dead In Its Tracks, in a single session, with lifetime support?

Cigarette smoking gives you lung cancer, ages you faster and even has the ability to give you sexual dysfunction problems. Despite having this information about the alarming risks of smoking, you continue to smoke. WHY? It ...
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Denial is a defensive coping mechanism for not facing up to the reality of a nicotine habit. There are over 40 chemicals found in cigarette smoke that are known carcinogens – that’s 40 good reasons to ...
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